About Me . . .

Published Work and Education

Rene` s writing has appeared in The Kids Ark, Shine Brightly, and Nature Friend magazines. She is a graduate of the Institute of Children’s Literature’s first two courses and presently enrolled in their third course, “Writing Books for Children and Teens.” Other writing courses she has taken include Making Picture Book Magic with Susanna Hill, Picture Book Pacing 2 WOW and Giraffe with Jodell Sadler, From Storyteller to Exquisite Writer: The Pleasures and Craft of Poetic Technics with Mira Reisburg, Serious Writer Academy and Lyrical Language Lab with Renee` LaTulippe.

Rene` is a member of SCBWI, Buffalo-Niagara Children’s Writers and Illustrators, Word Weavers International (President of online group, Page 43), Serious Writer Club, and Children’s Book Insider. She has participated in Julie Hedlund’s 12x12 Picture Book Challenge. She loves participating in various academies, challenges and webinars in order to devour all she can to improve her writing skills and learn the publishing business.

Rene’s latest training has been through The PEN Institute. Here she is learning how to put all of her writing experience and education to work to help other writers through freelance editing. Keep your eyes open for the kick-off of her editorial services in the not too distant future.

Work History

Rene` has held various part-time positions including: cafeteria worker in her local elementary and high school, librarian, fruit packer, stable hand, pharmaceutical assistant, file clerk, and legal secretary. Raising her own family and caring for elderly parents required her to step away from outside employment for several years.

Rene’ presently works at a convent where she cooks breakfast and serves lunch to retired nuns. When her day at the convent is done, she enjoys helping at a friend’s horse farm.


Rene` grew up in the 60’s and 70’s – before video games. Consequently, she had many adventures since Mother faithfully shooed her outside. When she wasn’t pestering her older brothers (or being tortured by them ~ see burlap sack picture) she could be found reading, bike riding, or climbing trees. She often indulged her imagination by personifying family pets. Obviously, this kept her family amused, at least, that’s what she wants to think.

Loving Children

Rene` can’t remember a time when she hasn’t loved children. Working with little ones began in her church’s nursery around the age of twelve. She continued to volunteer through the years in various capacities. Her services have been in the church, school, and community where she raised three sons.


Rene` spent many years traveling in New York state with her family. They especially loved tent camping along Lake Ontario. She was blessed by her travels into Canada where family resides. Her travels have also taken her as far as Suwon City, South Korea and the East Sea. Here she lived and learned with Korean family for a total of two months.


Rene` loves gardening, bird watching, bike riding, kayaking, interior decorating, baking, and sewing when she gets the chance.

She has been instrumental in re-building a 1960 Skyline Nomad camper *Daisy*. Unbeknownst to Rene`, she had entered a whole new world. Shortly into the project she became desperate for help. Soon, she discovered the 100+ year-old Tin Can Tourist organization where many experts on vintage campers coached her along. In September, you might find Daisy at the annual Tin Can Tourist Northeast Rally. And, you know, Daisy has become famous for being “the one with the eye lashes.”


Rene` lives in a small village in Western New York. About a football field away, the mighty Niagara River empties into Lake Ontario. In her free time, Rene` hunkers down in her cozy apartment where a silly dog and fat cat keep her company as she studies, writes, and researches for her work.

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